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来源: 2023-09-27 10:15:37      点击:




    我国南方温室彩椒长季节栽培的生育期一般在8月中旬至翌年5月底,其中4、5、8月和9月棚内温度都在35 ℃以上,高温严重影响了彩椒前期营养生长和后期的产量及品质。刘志强等[3]研究发现,H2作为一种气体信号分子,可能参与植物对生物胁迫和非生物胁迫的调控过程,从而促进植物的生长发育。但是,关于富氢水(Hydrogenrich water,HRW)对彩椒耐热栽培生产的影响未见报道。本试验将HRW应用于彩椒长季节基质栽培上,研究了在南方高温条件下,HRW淋根处理对彩椒抗逆性和产量及品质的影响,以期为南方温室彩椒长季节高效基质栽培探索新的方法。
     为探索南方温室彩椒长季节高效基质栽培的新途径,以“甘多尔”彩椒为材料,在高温条件下,分析富氢水(Hydrogen-rich water, HRW)灌根处理对彩椒抗逆性、产量及品质的影响。

英文摘要 | Abstract

The growth period of long-term cultivation of colored pepper in greenhouses in southern China is generally from mid August to the end of May of the following year. The temperature inside the greenhouse in April, May, August, and September is above 35 ℃, and the high temperature seriously affects the nutritional growth of colored pepper in the early stage and the yield and quality in the later stage. Liu Zhiqiang et al. [3] found that H2, as a gas signaling molecule, may participate in the regulation process of plants under biotic and abiotic stress, thereby promoting plant growth and development. However, there have been no reports on the impact of hydrogen rich water (HRW) on the heat-resistant cultivation and production of colored pepper. This experiment applied HRW to the long-term substrate cultivation of colored peppers, and studied the effects of HRW rooting treatment on the stress resistance, yield, and quality of colored peppers under high temperature conditions in the south. The aim was to explore new methods for efficient substrate cultivation of colored peppers in the greenhouse in the south. In order to explore a new approach to long-term and efficient substrate cultivation of colored peppers in southern greenhouses, "Gandor" colored peppers were used as materials. Under high temperature conditions, the effects of hydrogen rich water (HRW) irrigation on the stress resistance, yield, and quality of colored peppers were analyzed.
